Recommended_practices Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ)

4. TAKE welcoming and providing support for LGBTQ youth


Have ideas of ways to be more welcoming and supportive of LGBTQ youth

A Practitioner’s Resource Guide: Helping Families To Support Their LGBT Children (PDF) This resource guide was developed and is being disseminated throughout health and social service systems to help practitioners who work in a wide range of settings to understand the critical role of family acceptance and rejection in contributing to the health and well-being of adolescents who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.

Caring for LGBTQ Children and Youth (PDF) This booklet was developed to provide you with information about the care and support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning children and youth. This guide includes information on terminology and several basic, but key, tips on how to best support and care for LGBTQ children and youth.

Getting Down To Basics – Tools to Support LGBTQ Youth In Care – Families Supporting an LGBTQ Child (PDF) For some birth, foster or adoptive parents, learning that a child is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning (LGBTQ) can be a very diffi cult juncture. For others, this information is welcomed and recognized as a sign of trust. How a parent responds to their LGBTQ child will have an enormous impact on the child’s development and on the quality of the parent-child relatio

Family Acceptance Project (Videos) These videos are informed by our years of research and work to help diverse families support their LGBT children.

These stories of transformation, hope and love that show how very diverse families integrate deeply held religious and personal values with love for their LGBT children.
  1. Always my Son (Trailer of a 16 minute film)
  2. Families are Forever (Trailer of a 21 minute film)

Supporting Your LGBTQ Youth: A Guide for Foster Parents (PDF) In this factsheet, you will learn about LGBTQ youth in the child welfare system, the unique risks they face, and the important role that foster parents can play in reducing those risks. You will discover specific actions that you can take to create a welcoming home for all youth in your care and to promote your youth’s health and well-being in the community. At the end of this factsheet are links to many resources for more information and support.